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The Best Back, Chest and Arm Workout – Bodyweight & Dumbbell

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Today’s 15-minute workout is a challenging and rewarding routine that will help you build strength, improve muscle tone, and enhance overall fitness. This workout combines bodyweight exercises with dumbbell exercises to provide a well-rounded and effective training session.

The first routine consists of weight-bearing exercises on the mat. These target the back, chest, and triceps. Aside from muscle building, weight-bearing exercise also helps improve your balance and protects the joints connected to the muscles you’re working on. This will be followed by dumbbell exercises for the arms, chest, and back. We’ll do these in two sets. Weight training, in return, helps build lean mass and amps up the body’s ability to burn more fat.

With consistency and dedication, you’ll soon see progress and achieve your fitness goals. Good luck and Happy workout! 💪

Note that I am using 1 pair of dumbbells, a medium set, please choose a suitable weight for you. Just keep in mind that when exercising, it’s necessary to gradually increase the intensity and weights of your workout. This means starting with lighter loads and exercises that are appropriate for your fitness level, then gradually progressing as you build strength and endurance

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