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Tone Arms and Back – Strong & Carved Muscles

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Come on board with me as we kickstart our journey to tone those arms and chisel that back using an incredible all-mat, weight-bearing workout. Let’s tone ‘em arms and back with an all-mat weight-bearing exercise. This 10-minute routine is cardio-free and focuses on gaining strength and increasing muscle mass in the arms and back. The weight-bearing exercise on the mat works against gravity. This helps your body develop more muscles and also increases muscular endurance.

When you engage in resistance exercises like this, your body’s response is to promote the growth of lean muscle tissue. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s also about enhancing your muscular endurance. This means that not only will you achieve a more toned and robust appearance, but you’ll also notice improved performance in your day-to-day activities.💪

So, brace yourself for a rewarding challenge that will elevate your fitness game. Let’s dive right into this workout routine and commence the transformation of your arms and back – I believe in you! Good luck and Happy workout!💪

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! 💪

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