4 Shoulder Exercises You Should Try (Dumbbell + Calisthenics)

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Boost your shoulder workout with this blend of dumbbell and calisthenics exercises designed to build strength, enhance mobility, and sculpt impressive shoulder muscles. These four exercises will target every part of your shoulders, ensuring a comprehensive and effective routine. Transition to a calisthenics exercise with pike push-ups. This move targets your shoulders while also engaging your core and upper body.

Start in a pike position, with your hips raised high, and perform push-ups by lowering your head towards the ground and pressing back up. This bodyweight exercise is excellent for shoulder strength and stability. Incorporate these exercises into your shoulder workout routine regularly for best results.

Remember to focus on proper form and control to maximize muscle engagement and prevent injury. By adding these four shoulder exercises to your regimen, you’ll build strength, enhance mobility, and achieve well-defined shoulders.

Let’s get started and take your shoulder workout to the next level with this powerful combination of dumbbell and calisthenics exercises. Your stronger shoulders await! 💪

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