Top 5 Exercises At Home For Chest – Weights and Calisthenics

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Ready to work on that strong chest? Well, you’re in for a treat today! If you want a bigger chest, these are the 5 exercises you can do at home. These 5 exercises shape up your pectoral muscles and help you gain mass in this area. This is a combination of calisthenics and simple dumbbell routines you can do at your house.
We’ll do push-up variations. A combination of wide and tight pushups can train your chest muscles, and strengthen, and shape them at the same time. These rhythmic exercises using your own body weight target these large muscle groups. And when combined with dumbbell routines, you can maximize muscle growth in your chest area. We’ll do this in sets of two.

I’m using one pair of medium dumbbells, but pick a weight that suits you best. Remember, as you work out, it’s essential to gradually ramp up the intensity and weight. Begin with lighter loads and exercises that match your fitness level, then slowly step up the challenge as you get stronger and build endurance. Remember, every workout is a step towards a healthier, happier, and stronger you. So, let’s get moving and make progress towards our fitness goals! 💪

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